National Oatmeal Day – Different Ways to Prepare It

oats in a clear glass pitcher

Oatmeal is one of America’s favorite breakfast foods, and National Oatmeal Day is celebrated on October 29, each year. It is a themed celebration and, to a moderate extent, under the radar. Oats are fiber-rich whole grains and an excellent source of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Oatmeal is made of ground … Read more

Fiber as a Blood Pressure Lowering Medication?

Various healthy seeds in heart with stethoscope, healthy diet concept

A study published in this month’s American Journal of Clinical Nutrition finds that eating 3 servings of whole grains per day can decrease the incidence of heart attack by 15% and stroke by 25%. Research  The study was designed and conducted by researchers from the Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health, College … Read more

Oatmeal Breakfast: The Ultimate Solution to Hunger Pangs

Blueberries oatmeal

Have you ever heard people complain or even experienced this yourself that eating breakfast leaves you feeling hungrier later in the morning? This happens when the foods you choose for breakfast are not filling enough. Eating a cereal like Special K or Rice Krispies, which fills you up quickly but likewise empties … Read more

List of Whole Grains and Not Whole Grains

Various grain products on a table

Chances are you’ve eaten a lot of grains already, but are you sure that what you’re eating is the healthiest kind? Whole grains are an essential part of a healthy diet, and they are the best type of grain to add to your diet. All types of grains are great sources of … Read more